Atomic mass is the sum of all the protons, neutrons, and electrons in a single atom or molecule. However, the mass of an electron is so small, it is considered negligible and not included in the calculation. Though technically incorrect, the term is also often used to refer to the average atomic mass of all of the isotopes of one element. The chemists resisted making the amu one-sixteenth the mass of an oxygen-16 atom; it would change their atomic weights by about 275 parts per million. Making the amu one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 nucleus, however, would lead to only a 42 parts per million change, which seemed within reason.
Oganesson is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Og and atomic number 118. It was first synthesized in 2002 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, near Moscow, Russia, by a joint team of Russian and American scientists. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the atomic masses of the naturally occurring isotopes of that element. The average atomic masses are the values we see on the periodic table. (2.1.5) 0.7577 (34.969) + 0.2423 (36.966) = 35.453. Chemical elements listed by atomic mass The elemenents of the periodic table sorted by atomic mass. Click on any element's name for further information on chemical properties, environmental data or health effects. This list contains the 118 elements of chemistry.
The elements of the periodic table sorted by atomic mass
click on any element's name for further information on chemical properties, environmental data or health effects.
This list contains the 118 elements of chemistry.
The chemical elements of the periodic chart sorted by: | Atomic Mass | Name chemical element | Symbol | Atomic number |
- Name alphabetically | 1.0079 | Hydrogen | H | 1 |
- Atomic number | 4.0026 | Helium | He | 2 |
- Symbol | 6.941 | Lithium | Li | 3 |
- Atomic Mass | 9.0122 | Beryllium | Be | 4 |
- Electronegativity | 10.811 | Boron | B | 5 |
- Density | 12.0107 | Carbon | C | 6 |
- Melting point | 14.0067 | Nitrogen | N | 7 |
- Boiling point | 15.9994 | Oxygen | O | 8 |
- Vanderwaals radius | 18.9984 | Fluorine | F | 9 |
- Year of discovery | 20.1797 | Neon | Ne | 10 |
- Inventor surname | 22.9897 | Sodium | Na | 11 |
- Elements in earthcrust | 24.305 | Magnesium | Mg | 12 |
- Elements in human body | 26.9815 | Aluminum | Al | 13 |
- Covalenz radius | 28.0855 | Silicon | Si | 14 |
- Ionization energy | 30.9738 | Phosphorus | P | 15 |
For chemistry students and teachers: The tabular chart on the right is arranged by Atomic mass (weight). The lightest chemical element is Hydrogen and the heaviest is Hassium. The unity for atomic mass is gram per mol. Please note that the elements do not show their natural relation towards each other as in the Periodic system. There you can find the metals, semi-conductor(s), non-metal(s), inert noble gas(ses), Halogens, Lanthanoides, Actinoids (rare earth elements) and transition metals. | 32.065 | Sulfur | S | 16 |
35.453 | Chlorine | Cl | 17 | |
39.0983 | Potassium | K | 19 | |
39.948 | Argon | Ar | 18 | |
40.078 | Calcium | Ca | 20 | |
44.9559 | Scandium | Sc | 21 | |
47.867 | Titanium | Ti | 22 | |
50.9415 | Vanadium | V | 23 | |
51.9961 | Chromium | Cr | 24 | |
54.938 | Manganese | Mn | 25 | |
55.845 | Iron | Fe | 26 | |
58.6934 | Nickel | Ni | 28 | |
58.9332 | Cobalt | Co | 27 | |
63.546 | Copper | Cu | 29 | |
65.39 | Zinc | Zn | 30 | |
69.723 | Gallium | Ga | 31 | |
72.64 | Germanium | Ge | 32 | |
74.9216 | Arsenic | As | 33 | |
78.96 | Selenium | Se | 34 | |
79.904 | Bromine | Br | 35 | |
83.8 | Krypton | Kr | 36 | |
85.4678 | Rubidium | Rb | 37 | |
87.62 | Strontium | Sr | 38 | |
88.9059 | Yttrium | Y | 39 | |
91.224 | Zirconium | Zr | 40 | |
92.9064 | Niobium | Nb | 41 | |
95.94 | Molybdenum | Mo | 42 | |
98 | Technetium | Tc | 43 | |
101.07 | Ruthenium | Ru | 44 | |
102.9055 | Rhodium | Rh | 45 | |
106.42 | Palladium | Pd | 46 | |
107.8682 | Silver | Ag | 47 | |
112.411 | Cadmium | Cd | 48 | |
114.818 | Indium | In | 49 | |
118.71 | Tin | Sn | 50 | |
121.76 | Antimony | Sb | 51 | |
126.9045 | Iodine | I | 53 | |
127.6 | Tellurium | Te | 52 | |
131.293 | Xenon | Xe | 54 | |
132.9055 | Cesium | Cs | 55 | |
137.327 | Barium | Ba | 56 | |
138.9055 | Lanthanum | La | 57 | |
140.116 | Cerium | Ce | 58 | |
140.9077 | Praseodymium | Pr | 59 | |
144.24 | Neodymium | Nd | 60 | |
145 | Promethium | Pm | 61 | |
150.36 | Samarium | Sm | 62 | |
151.964 | Europium | Eu | 63 | |
157.25 | Gadolinium | Gd | 64 | |
158.9253 | Terbium | Tb | 65 | |
162.5 | Dysprosium | Dy | 66 | |
164.9303 | Holmium | Ho | 67 | |
167.259 | Erbium | Er | 68 | |
168.9342 | Thulium | Tm | 69 | |
173.04 | Ytterbium | Yb | 70 | |
174.967 | Lutetium | Lu | 71 | |
178.49 | Hafnium | Hf | 72 | |
180.9479 | Tantalum | Ta | 73 | |
183.84 | Tungsten | W | 74 | |
186.207 | Rhenium | Re | 75 | |
190.23 | Osmium | Os | 76 | |
192.217 | Iridium | Ir | 77 | |
195.078 | Platinum | Pt | 78 | |
196.9665 | Gold | Au | 79 | |
200.59 | Mercury | Hg | 80 | |
204.3833 | Thallium | Tl | 81 | |
207.2 | Lead | Pb | 82 | |
208.9804 | Bismuth | Bi | 83 | |
209 | Polonium | Po | 84 | |
210 | Astatine | At | 85 | |
222 | Radon | Rn | 86 | |
223 | Francium | Fr | 87 | |
226 | Radium | Ra | 88 | |
227 | Actinium | Ac | 89 | |
231.0359 | Protactinium | Pa | 91 | |
232.0381 | Thorium | Th | 90 | |
237 | Neptunium | Np | 93 | |
238.0289 | Uranium | U | 92 | |
243 | Americium | Am | 95 | |
244 | Plutonium | Pu | 94 | |
247 | Curium | Cm | 96 | |
247 | Berkelium | Bk | 97 | |
251 | Californium | Cf | 98 | |
252 | Einsteinium | Es | 99 | |
257 | Fermium | Fm | 100 | |
258 | Mendelevium | Md | 101 | |
259 | Nobelium | No | 102 | |
261 | Rutherfordium | Rf | 104 | |
262 | Lawrencium | Lr | 103 | |
262 | Dubnium | Db | 105 | |
264 | Bohrium | Bh | 107 | |
266 | Seaborgium | Sg | 106 | |
268 | Meitnerium | Mt | 109 | |
272 | Roentgenium | Rg | 111 | |
277 | Hassium | Hs | 108 | |
Darmstadtium | Ds | 110 | ||
Copernicium | Cn | 112 | ||
Nihonium | Nh | 113 | ||
Flerovium | Fl | 114 | ||
Moscovium | Mc | 115 | ||
Livermorium | Lv | 116 | ||
Tennessine | Ts | 117 | ||
Oganesson | Og | 118 |
Click here: for a schematic overview of the periodic table of elements in chart form
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