Heroku Wordpress

Over the past few months, WordPress developers have been experimenting with speeding up PHP execution with HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) and have achieved some amazingly fast load times. HHVM compatibility with WordPress is gradually improving and more hosting companies are moving to adopt it, as many believe that HHVM will soon revolutionize PHP.

  1. Heroku Drupal
  2. Wordpress Vs Godaddy
  3. Heroku Wordpress Download
  4. Heroku Wordpress Demo
  5. Heroku Wordpress Tutorial
Wordpress on heroku

Changes in WordPress 3.9 helped to improve compatibility with HHVM and, as a result, a few WP + HHVM templates have popped up, including a new one for Heroku fans. Heroku WP is a template for installing and running WordPress on the Heroku cloud application platform with the official Heroku stack.

Automattic engineer Xiao Yu created Heroku WP with the goal of keeping it simple, fast, secure, and scalable. He used Heroku’s new PHP buildpack which incorporates nginx and HHVM. Heroku WP is built on top of the following:

Heroku Drupal


Wordpress-for-Heroku is based on Wordpress Version 5.5. It is made for Developers and Learners to learn Wordpress or test Themes/Plugins. If you have a Heroku account, you may simply use the following button to deploy this application: After the deploy, in Heroku's Dashboard under 'Settings' for your deployed application, remove the WORDPRESSADMIN. environment variables. To set up WordPress' Cron Jobs using Heroku Scheduler, see further below.

  • nginx – For serving web content
  • HHVM – A virtual machine designed to serve Hack and PHP
  • MySQL – Provided by the ClearDB add-on
  • Memcached – Provided by the MemCachier add-on
  • Composer – A dependency manager to make installing and managing plugins easier

The Heroku WP template also bundles Jetpack, SendGrid, caching plugins, SSL Domain Alias to send WP admin traffic to Heroku over SSL directly, and a couple of other plugins. You can include additional plugins and/or upgrade versions by updating the composer.json file.

Wordpress Vs Godaddy

  1. May 26, 2020 You're required to update the Wordpress version number in our Composer.json file, and manually add themes/plugins into our local Wordpress repo before pushing to heroku. This may sound time consuming, but it'll only require an extra 1-2 minutes each time that you need to make a Wordpress version, theme, or plugin update.
  2. This post follows the post Heroku & WordPress Website Deployment which details how to create and publish a website using WordPress and Heroku. This post details how to clean-up and optimize your WordPress database using plugins and WordPress features to minimize your Heroku database requirements.
Heroku wordpress templates

Heroku Wordpress Download

2.5X Improvement in WordPress Response Times with Heroku WP


Heroku Wordpress Demo

Yu reports that with the new nginx + HHVM Heroku buildpack, his updated template for WordPress has seen more than 2.5X improvement in response times when compared to the old Heroku LAMP stack. His personal site is actually running on the template. “It feels a lot faster navigating WP admin and page generation times look much better,” he said.

Heroku wordpress app

Heroku Wordpress Tutorial

The template is not just for small blogs. Yu built Heroku WP with cloud architecture in mind, so that the number of Dynos can scale without breaking. If you’ve been looking for a quick way to experiment with WordPress on NGINX + HHVM, the Heroku WP template is an excellent starting point. Follow Yu’s instructions for installing, configuring and deploying WordPress to Heroku.