Rd Client 0x104

  1. 0x104 Rd Client Error
  2. Rd Client エラーコード 0x104

Check Remote Desktop Protocol. Sometimes a minor mistake starts causing errors and becomes a. PC를 원격제어할 일이 있을 때 사용하는 방식이 여러가지가 있는데, 흔히 사용하는 것이 세 가지 정도가. リモートデスクトップエラー0x104 同じまたは異なるネットワーク上のターゲットシステムに接続しようとすると、このエラーメッセージが表示されます。 エラーメッセージには、「 pcが見つからないため、リモートpcに接続できませんでした。 リモートpcの.

0x104 rd client error

I am using Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch Retina with native Apple Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.7 installed, Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac OS X version 10.4.1 (1825), and it was working fine even with earlier versions of Mac OS X and RDC client since March 2020, but once after September 2020 I am receiving error message when trying to connect to the same terminal server under Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard: «Unable to connect - We couldn’t connect to the remote PC because the license for this device isn’t valid. Contact your network administrator for assistance. Error code: 0x104.»

And it is even more strange that from the same Mac, using Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac OS X Beta - version 10.4.1 (1818) - I am connecting with no any problems. The key factors are: 'the license for this device isn’t valid', error code 0x104 and Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac OS X beta - version 10.4.1 (1818) works fine.

Seem that Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac OS X creates some folder or file with license information which should be removed to allow RDC to connect - as beta client works fine and I believe it is installed to another folder.

My solution: in folder '/Users/'user_name'/Library/containers' rename (or remove) two folders: 'com.microsoft.rdc.macos.qlx' и 'com.microsoft.rdc.macos'. After just re-install Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac OS X, error '0х104' disappears, and client becomes able to connect to remote server.

MacBook Pro Retina

Posted on Feb 1, 2021 12:11 AM

In all likelihood, there’s no network connection and no path available between the sites, or there’s a firewall or three that’s blocking that access. There’ll need to be either public static IP addresses for the target systems at the office and a path opened through the firewall, or private IP addresses and port-forwarding configured through the firewall, or a VPN configured and established between the remote client and the target network. Or IPv6 and a path through the firewall. There’ll probably want to be a public DNS name established for the target host, too.

Check with the local networking folks for assistance.

0x104 Rd Client Error

That’s a guess.

Rd Client エラーコード 0x104

Alternatively... Please check the Microsoft support forums for assistance with that app, or contact Microsoft support.

Aug 28, 2018 7:59 PM