Joachim Ante

We are the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D (RT3D) content. We empower creators. Across industries and around the world.

Who we are

  • March 23, 9:00 am (San Francisco) - Unity's CTO and Co-Founder, Joachim Ante shares the principles behind evolving Unity from a GameObject engine to be Entit.
  • Ante initially began writing the core of Unity as a teenager; today, games and experiences made with Unity reach nearly 3-billion devices worldwide. Joachim has brought pro-level game tools to the masses, and is playing a major role in the renaissance of independent games.

We believe the world is a better place with more creators in it. This is at the core of our business because we believe our technology can change the world. Our products give content creators the tools to not just entertain but to create innovative RT3D experiences and deliver better processes for almost every industry.

Shape the world

This is what we stand for and what we aspire to be. Our values inform how we do our jobs and how we treat each other every day, while also helping us make the right decisions for our customers, partners, and collaborators.

Users first

We put users first… they are rock stars and we are their biggest fans. Our shared dedication to users holds us together, defines and aligns our work and drives us to deliver for them.

Best ideas win

Joachim von Ribbentrop (30 April 1893 – 16 October 1946) was a German politician who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nazi Germany from 1938 to 1945. Ribbentrop first came to Adolf Hitler's notice as a well-travelled businessman with more knowledge of the outside world than most senior Nazis and as a perceived authority on foreign affairs. Unity的创始团队一共有3人:David;Joachim Ante,现任CTO;Nicholas Francis,曾经是CCO,不过已经离开Unity,创立了自己的游戏公司,用Unity在开发游戏。他们分别来自冰岛、丹麦和德国。 展开全文 “Joachim和Nicholas都很喜欢做游戏,在网上认识了对方。.

We believe great ideas can come from anywhere. We have vigorous debates, we listen and learn, and we make sure the best ideas win. We care enough to go through the pain of messy conversations.

In it together

We are Citizens of Unity. We act like owners. We’re activists; we have a voice and use it. We’re direct and candid, with good intent. We respect each other’s uniqueness and we’re in it together.

Go bold

We do bold things. We go big and when we fail, we learn, get better and go big again. We challenge and elevate each other beyond our limits to do what may seem impossible. We stay curious and hungry.


We recognize and validate the perspectives and experiences of others, even without connecting ourselves to those experiences. It’s about listening to understand, not to respond.


We root our efforts in empathy by taking everyday actions that acknowledge individual experiences and perspectives.

Joachim Ante

We demonstrate respect for the knowledge and experience of others by empowering them to contribute, create, or lead based on their knowledge and experience.

downloads per month of apps built with Unity
Joachim christoph ante
of the top 1,000 mobile games were made with Unity
of games across mobile, PC, and console were made with Unity
monthly active users who consumed content created or operated with Unity solutions
different platforms run Unity creations
JoachimJoachim ante unna
countries and territories have Unity creators

Unity operates 44 offices in 17 countries. Want to make a difference? Come on board.

See these examples of how Unity creators are bringing their visions to life and transforming industries.

Our community inspires us

Creators around the world are passionate about Unity. Every day, they create and publish amazing games and experiences and share them with the world. You can learn all about them in our blog, forums, and at Unity events.

John Riccitiello
Luis Felipe Visoso
Scott Pitasky
Ruth Ann Keene
Unity tech
Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Clive Downie
Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, General Manager, Consumer
Joachim Ante

Joachim Ante Twitter

Marc Whitten
Senior Vice President & General Manager, Unity Create Solutions
Ingrid Lestiyo
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Operate Solutions
Dave Rhodes
Senior Vice President, Revenue & Customer Success, Create Solutions
Brett Bibby
Luc Barthelet
Danny Lange
Senior Vice President, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Sylvio Drouin
Ralph Hauwert
Peter Moore
Senior Vice President & General Manager, Sports and Live Entertainment
Julie Shumaker
Jeff Collins
Senior Vice President, Engineering, Operate Solutions
Roelof Botha
Egon Durban

Unity Game Engine Wiki

Silver Lake Partners, Co-Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner
David Helgason
Alyssa Henry
John Riccitiello
Unity, President, Chief Executive Officer & Director
Barry Schuler

Joachim Ante Unity

Robynne Sisco

Joachim Ante Linkedin

Mary Schmidt Campbell, Ph.D