Qub Office 365

MS Office 365 provides access to the familiar Office Suite such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, plus new powerful collaboration apps such as MS Teams. It provides an email service and cloud storage via OneDrive (as outlined above). All these tools are available in a browser or via the apps. Office 365 is a cloud-based service that provides online and desktop versions of Microsoft Office along with collaboration applications and services like SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Teams, and Yammer.Office 365 is available to all current students, staff and faculty.Queen's alumni are also entitled to use Office 365 for email, calendaring, and To-Do as part of the Email for.

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  • This is a public or shared computer Select this option if you are connecting from a public computer. Be sure to log off and close all browser windows to end your session. Read about the sec...


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Queens University Belfast

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Qub Office 365 Portal

Registrar:Nominet UK
Registrant:Alan J Tedford (The Queen's University of Belfast)
Updated:March 17, 2018
Expires:June 17, 2020
Created:November 07, 2003

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